KlimaVR [WIP]

KlimaVR is a Virtual Reality Experience which aims to teach school children about the causes, scale and consequences of climate change. This experience is still under development and will be released for free on the Oculus App Lab for all Quest devices and for PCVR later this year. KlimaVR aims to teach about the climate crisis in three segments:

The Mechanics

This chapter aims to visualise how the systems of climate change works and which role the different greenhouse-gases play. It explains the effects of CO² over- and underproduction on a global scale and which effects a rising CO²-level in the atmosphere has on our planet, and the ecosphere.

The Scale

This chapter aims to give an understanding for the scale of our overproduction of CO². How would CO² look like if we could see it? And how much do we produce ourselves, as a country, or as world population in a year? The journey will start with your personal footprint, but grow steadily in scale, over the borders of the city, as we try to visualize the CO² footprint of humankind since the industrial revolution.

This is the level we’re still working on the most. Visualizing the sheer amount of CO² is a huge, but interesting challenge, not only on a technical level, but also from a design perspective.

The Consequences

In this chapter, you’ll be experiencing one of the many consequences of climate change, as you’re standing inside of a forest fire. It’s just a short glimpse into the many crisis climate change will bring with it, but it’s one of the most immersive parts in this app.

App Release and Source Code

The project is still under active development, so there are no publibly available builds yet, but we’re looking for a release at the end of 2023! If you want to, you can take a look at a preview of the code at Github. We’ll also be publishing our finished Open Source Code there, once we wrapped up the project!

View Source Code on Github


This project was funded by the Prototype Fund, a project of the Open Knowledge Foundation, financed by the Federal Ministry for Research and Education of the Federal Republic of Germany

Prototype Found